
Ferdi hellweger
Ferdi hellweger

ferdi hellweger

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Mighty small: Observing and modeling individual microbes becomes big science. Kreft JU, Plugge CM, Grimm V, Prats C, Leveau JH, Banitz T, Baines S, Clark J, Ros A, Klapper I, Topping CJ, Field AJ, Schuler A, Litchman E, Hellweger FL. Accounting for nitrogen fixation in simple models of lake nitrogen loading/export. Biogeographic patterns in ocean microbes emerge in a neutral agent-based model. Hellweger FL, van Sebille E, Fredrick ND. coli: Insights from a multi-level agent-based model Ecological Modelling. From protein damage to cell aging to population fitness in E.

Ferdi hellweger update#

100 Years since Streeter and Phelps: It Is Time To Update the Biology in Our Water Quality Models. Equivalent Porous Media (EPM) Simulation of Groundwater Hydraulics and Contaminant Transport in Karst Aquifers. Ghasemizadeh R, Yu X, Butscher C, Hellweger F, Padilla I, Alshawabkeh A. Dynamic, mechanistic, molecular-level modeling of cyanobacteria: Anabaena and nitrogen interaction.

ferdi hellweger

Hellweger FL, Fredrick ND, McCarthy MJ, Gardner WS, Wilhelm SW, Paerl HW. Advancing microbial sciences by individual-based modelling. Hellweger FL, Clegg RJ, Clark JR, Plugge CM, Kreft JU. The Role of Ocean Currents in the Temperature Selection of Plankton: Insights from an Individual-Based Model. Hellweger FL, van Sebille E, Calfee BC, Chandler JW, Zinser ER, Swan BK, Fredrick ND. Neutral Evolution and Dispersal Limitation Produce Biogeographic Patterns in Microcystis aeruginosa Populations of Lake Systems. Community Biological Ammonium Demand (CBAD): A Conceptual Model for Cyanobacteria Blooms in Eutrophic Lakes. Gardner WS, Newell SE, McCarthy MJ, Hoffman DK, Lu K, Lavrentyev PJ, Hellweger FL, Wilhelm SW, Liu Z, Bruesewitz DA, Paerl HW. From Genes to Ecosystems in Microbiology: Modeling Approaches and the Importance of Individuality. Kreft JU, Plugge CM, Prats C, Leveau JHJ, Zhang W, Hellweger FL.

ferdi hellweger

Carbon limitation drives GC content evolution of a marine bacterium in an individual-based genome-scale model. Combining Molecular Observations and Microbial Ecosystem Modeling: A Practical Guide. Fresh ideas bloom in gut healthcare to cross-fertilize lake management. Hellweger F, Vick C, Rückbeil F, Bucci V.

Ferdi hellweger